Three hilarious stories told at our collaboration with the NI Sci Fest: Don Gregory chooses family over his dream job; Fionnuala Close shocks her mother into saying a rosary; Paul Brady discovers the joys of chemistry. Paul is your host.
Three stories to beat the Winter blues told at Belfast’s Black Box: Melanie Bowden goes abroad but her dad pays the price; Joe Millican hears an intruder as he sleeps beneath the stars; Lorna Dunn knows something isn’t right despite the doctor. Paul is your host.
Here are three stories from different events to put a spring in your step: Una Brogan decides to end a toxic relationship; Paul Whittington resolves a whiskey crisis in a bothy; Jakub Grogowski has a day out in Warsaw. Paul is your host.
It was a full house in Belfast’s Black Box for our January event when the theme was Moving: Rachel Smith gets a letter from a dead man; Laurie Randall’s sister is forced out of her home; Richard O’Leary goes in search of the potato in China. Paul is your host.
Paul has a brief message ahead of a wonderful story told in Belfast in 2023 by first-timer Judith Sialanskaia.
For our Black Box Christmas event, Louise Nealon told this wonderful story of Great-Aunt Peggy.
All I Want for Christmas was the December theme in Belfast’s Black Box. Here are some highlights including three stories: Lorraine Thompson torments her sister; Lisa Graham reunites with family; Terry McCartan just wants Xmas to be over. Paul dons a special shirt while Paul Brady sends us home with a song.
Step into Christmas with three festive true stories told at Flowerfield Arts Centre, Portstewart on 6 Dec 2024: Fionnuala McNicholl breaks an ankle in the snow; Paul Hutchinson hunts a Christmas tree in the wild; Kate Murphy has some unusual guests for dinner. Paul is your host.
When Pat Scott first gatecrashed tenx9 she had confused notions, when she returned it was no better as she mixed up Jane Austen, a strip club & a big gay night: enjoy this hilarious story told on 20 November 2024.
With the days shortening, the theme for November’s event in Belfast’s Black Box was Night: Chris Stother made an intimidating journey; Siobhan McGuigan was living love’s young dream; Mylie Brennan learnt more than expected at summer camp. Paul is your host.