We heard stories of getting PhDs of unpronounceable quality, stories of being upset that you couldn't see in the windies of Sputnik, stories about learning to be a kick-ass coder, stories of Betazoids, stories of dissecting tiny innocent bees, stories about accepting (reluctantly) that the final frontier had been passed, stories about pushing past the final frontier, stories about living at the frontier of war and stories about geologists near Knock. Thanks to Pat, Joe, Malachi, Jesse, Victoria, Peter, Paul and Sheila.
We were delighted tonight to partner with the Out to Lunch Festival for our magnificent Tenx9. Many of you will have heard stories from Chelley McLear - stories involving poetry, dating, parenting, mad parties in the USA, stages of relationships. She's brilliant, AND she has a full evening of storytelling "Rainbows and Razorblades" as part of the Out to Lunch festival.
Well then lovelies, what a delicious night. We had nine stories about Names.
Well then lovelies. What an amazing night. We had the theme of "Home" for Tenx9 tonight and we heard stories from around the globe about all kinds of experiences of home. We heard the other side of that home-birth story we'd heard last month; we heard a story about the dearly missed home of Bulawayo and the world's-best-chef-mum; a story about a heartbreaking choice between a visa process and a family funeral.
We had such a wonderful night at Tenx9. Thanks to all. The theme for the evening was suggested by Jan Carson, who has been leading so many amazing #positiveageingmonth events on behalf of Belfast City Council.
Well, tonight was about all the LOLs as Tenx9 celebrated our fifth anniversary. So many of you had been there the first night of Tenx9 on Sept 28 2011, and were there tonight too. and to the ones we've picked up along the way - we are so thankful for your stories, your listening, your regular attendance and your applause as we celebrate the delight of good stories.